National Superhero Day Photo Contest

Dust off your capes and call your sidekicks! April 28th is National Superhero Day and in honor of this monumental occasion, we will be holding a special photo contest for all you heroes out there.
Here’s how to enter:
Starting on April 9th, put your photography skills to the test with your One:12 figures. Be bold! Be brave! Be creative!
Share your photos on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram with the hashtag #MezcoSuperheroDay. Post as many photos you'd like, there's no limit! Don’t delay, heroes. Entries will close on April 18th.
Head over to our Facebook, where you will get the opportunity to vote on our two favorite photos until April 26th.
The community-chosen winner will be announced on National Superhero Day, April 28th, and will receive an exclusive One:12 figure!
Check us out on:
*Please note: Participants must have a US shipping address in order to receive their prize.