November: A Month of Epic Proportions

November is going to be an epic month for the box office and superhero fans. Two of the most anticipated films of the year will be released filled to the brim with Marvel and DC superheroes. On November 2nd, Thor: Ragnarok will open following the Norse God of Thunder on his third solo film outing and reuniting him with his Avengers teammate Bruce Banner, a.k.a. The Hulk. Then, on November 17th, Justice League will premiere, with Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, the Flash, and Aquaman uniting to take on a malevolent force that threatens Earth. With the amount of online trailers and tv spots airing, it can be tough to keep up with all of the new content and hype. So below we've broken it down for you with all the biggest trailers and tv spots shown for each film so far.
Thor: Ragnarok
In theaters November 2nd
Official Trailer
Teaser Trailer
TV Clip
In anticipation for the huge film, we revealed our Thor: Ragnarok renditions of One:12 Thor and Hulk at San Diego Comic Con and New York Comic Con. While they are't available for pre-order just yet, you can see images of the One:12 figures on display here.
Justice League
In theaters November 17th
Heroes Trailer
SDCC Sneak Peak
Official Trailer 1
SDCC Footage
Beginning with Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, we've been creating One:12 figures based off the current DC cinematic universe. In spring we added Wonder Women to our line up with Dawn of Justice Superman and Batman. Not yet up for preorder, we revealed our One:12 Aquaman at SDCC and NYCC, whose character will feature much more prominently in The Justice League film, than his previous portrayal in Dawn of Justice. You can find an image of the figure on display at NYCC here.
With the two massive films coming out, November is shaping up to be the biggest month in film this year. If you're planning to be in a theater opening night like us, be sure pre order your tickets early! These two blockbusters are bound to sell out.