#One12Day 2023 Winners Announcement

#One12Day 2023 Winners Announcement

The moment you've all been posing for...our #One12Day winners announcement is here! ๐Ÿ“ฃ

A huge thank you to everyone that participated in this year's #One12Day - your photo entries were stellar and you annihilated our quiz! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Scroll on to check out our winning submissions and drop a '๐ŸŽ‰' in their comments!

Before we kick things off with our photo contest winners, congrats to our #One12Day Quiz winners: Kimberly S., Paul R., Kevlar E., and Patrick H. - awesome job, guys!

And last but definitely not least, our grand prize winner! Congratulations, @daddygorebucks!

Thanks again to everyone that participated in our #One12Day celebrations! Keep up with us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook so you're always in-the-know about our next contest or giveaway!