The Cryptocurrency You Can't Lose With!

Look alive, Lug-Nutz!

The crown cryptocurrency of the collectible community continues to crush! After a rigorous dig, I've mined more crypto and I’m issuing more Cogs in the coming days. I told ya that the pay-off is real and that the price would increase (as does the value)!

I've already sent out 6 codes totaling a savings of about $50 and I ain't slowin' down!  Here's a recap of the codes in case you were interested:

The return keeps increasing and now we’re issuing a total of $60 in discounts this year, and increasing the 2022 discounts to $125! Previous Cog owners have just raised their value $50 by doing nothin’… starting to get the picture?

There is a finite amount of these so there will eventually be no more new Cogs.

Don't say I didn't tell ya...

- SF

For a tutorial on how to use your Crypto-Cog, click here.