Capes, Capes, and More Capes!

Getting the right pose for your action figure is a very important skill for most action figure collectors. Having the right position can add a level of kinetic energy that brings your action figure scene to life. This is especially true with capes. Suddenly Superman's punch doesn't seem so powerful when his whole body is in motion yet cape is hanging totally limp. Fortunately Mezco Toyz has accounted for that.
Starting with our BvS collection we began sending cape displays to help capture the correct movement and action from the film. However it can seem a bit confusing trying to piece the cape clips together in tandem with the posing post. So we've created this quick how-to on setting up the cape display.
You'll need your posing post and the cape display pieces.
Set up your posing post in the standing position. If you're not sure how to set it up, you can learn how with our blog post here.
Snap the cape display piece onto the posing post between the top two joints.
Take the wires and place their ends through the holes on the plate of the cape display.
Attach your action figure to the posing post with the cape draped over the display.
Clip the cape display wires to the ends of the figure's cape.
Adjust the cape wires until you've gotten the correct pose for your cape.
With the versatility of the posing wires there are nearly endless posing possibilities to experiment with. Your Caped Crusader is about to look a lot more badass.